ExCom Minutes


  1. 6:00 PIZZA and Social 
  2. 6:30 Section Events 
  3. 6:40 Treasurer's Report 
  4. 6:50 Roster Updates 
  5. 7:00 Tonight's Focus 
    1. Power and Energy Society (PES) 
    2. Oregon Tech 
  6. 8:00 Section Updates (Max 5 minutes per section) 
  7. Future 
    1. May - EPS/CAS (Ed Perkins) and UP (Joshua Thompson) 
    2. Jun - RAS (Ed App), PSU (Robert Rutherford) and WSU (Schubert Yu) 
    3. July - TBD 

Attendees:  Tugrul Daim - Chair, Diwakar Agarwal - Vice Chair, Paulo Vasconcelos - Secretary, Russell D Mickiewicz - Treasurer, John Prohodsky - Past Chair, Daniel Engel - Webmaster, Edward G Perkins, Rick A Smith - PACE Chair, Sohrab Aftabjahani - CES Chair, 
Daniel Goodrich - PES Chair, Robert Rutherford - PSU SB Chair, Eric Ruhl - PSU AESS SBC Chair, Joshua Chandler - OIT Portland SB Chair, Peter Tucker - OIT Portland Vice Chair, Thomas Bridges - OIT Portland SB Secretary, Justin Laughlin - OIT Portland SB Treasurer, Aziz Inan - UP SB Counselor, Joshua Thompson - UP SB Chair, Eve Klopf - OIT KFalls Counselor, Schubert Yu - WSU SB Chair, Ankit Singh - WSU SB Vice Chair, Kevin Roberti - WSU SB Treasurer 

Important Dates 

  • Summer Social - Sat Aug 11th 
  • Intel NWSE Science Fair - Fri, Apr 13th at Peter Stott Center
    • $150 approved for prizes (4 categories and best prize $25) 
  • Sustech - Nov 11th 
  • PES General Meeting - Aug 5th 

Action Items 

  • Dan Goodrich to setup Summer Social event in v-tools 
  • Russ to check the reason PES concentration account is negative 
  • Russ to check status of OSU EPICS award 
  • General groups to update their roster 
  • Paulo to update ExCom roster 
  • Paulo to promote PES General Meeting to students 
  • Rick Smith to promote Summer Social and PES General Meeting at Intel


  • Missing YP and WIE Chair. 
  • PSU AES SBC - Rocket launch postponed to Sun, April 22nd. PSU insurance did not cover rockets and missiles. 


  • Summer Social
    • Up to 300 people
    • Location: World of Speed - Wilsonville. Dan needs $570 deposit.
    • Admissions: $20 individual/student, $40 family 
  • PES General Meeting 
    • Looking for volunteers 

1/17/17 Online Meeting IEEE Oregon Section

Attendees: John Prohodsky, Russell Mickiewicz, Tugrul Daim, Rick Smith, Ed Perkins, Eric Ruhl, Anna Revolinsky, Daniel Goodrich, Daniel Arnold, Gary Perman, John Vinson, Rachael Campbell, Daniel Engel, Anton, Hamid Sharifnia, Frazer Tee.

SusTech: http://sites.ieee.org/sustech/conference/

Ed Perkins discussed need for volunteers for SusTech from Oregon Section, and discussed the different tracks of the conference

               Rick volunteered to help with conference

Maybe host SusTech in Portland in 2019, especially if Oregon Section participates and takes ownership (currently has 50% MLU in 2017 conference)

STEM Outreach:

John Vinson discussed need for someone to take over his coverage of science fairs/judging for PDX area

               Tugrul volunteered to take over

               Hamid to contact Diwakar to add notice about creating group interested in STEM development

               John advises planning ahead for the meetings/agenda/vision for group so it doesn’t lose focus


Ed Perkins is NW Area Chair for Region 6

“Ask a Question” System

Hamid discussed wanting to open up and Q&A type channel of communication with people to answer technical questions, etc. Wants to add value to those in the section and to the public (and to bring traffic to our site)

Eric mentioned “Ask a Librarian” system, suggested mirroring that system-“Ask an Engineer” twitter account was an idea

Turgul suggested talking to IEEE about what we are allowed to do (legally) and what systems are already in place

               Hamid to head sub-committee. Daniel to set up website, once the content is available.

Student Branches:

Eric Ruhl asked for funding for micro-satellite project

               Section asked for formal proposal, and suggested live-streaming some of the launches

               Group willing to come out to give their pitch

               Ed suggested looking into IEEE Foundation for funding, as well



               Getting funds back from SusTech and GHTC sponsorship

Paulo has almost broken even with the seed money provided for the kits sold at OIT (from December meeting)


NW/Central Area Meeting sometime in early spring in Portland

Young Professionals-Social tomorrow at Orenco Taphouse (Jan 18th).

               Soft Skills Evening Lecture next week at Lucky Lab on NW Quimby. Register on vTools!

Next meeting:

February 14th 6:00pm dinner 6:30pm meeting at PSU Smith Memorial Union Room 258



See corrected Oregon ExCom Meeting minutes attached for May 13th, 2014

See attached Meeting minutes

Download this file (ExcomMinutes2-11-14.docx)ExcomMinutes2-11-14.docx40 kB

Please excuse the delay as I adapt to my new position.

Sincere thanks