ExCom Minutes


  1. 6:00 – PIZZA and Social
    • 5 pizzas and 5 sodas were served to attendees
  2. 6:30 – Adoption of Agenda
  3. 6:35 – Approval of previous minutes
  4. 6:40 – Action Items 
  5. 6:50 – Discussion Items
  6. 7:00 – Reports
    • Chair's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos)
      • Yearly calendar -
        GHTC: Oct 17th - 20th Seattle, WA
        NW Area Meeting: Oct 19th Seattle, WA
        HKN Student Leadership Conference: Nov 1st -3rd Boston, MA
        Rising Stars: Jan 3rd Las Vegas, NV
        SusTech: April 23rd Santa Ana, CA
      • Awards banquet - Winter Social
    • Vice Chair's Report (Justin Wagner)  
      • Welcomes attendees and introductions of ExCom and students
      • Welcomes volunteers to represent the Section at events
    • Treasurer's Report (Russ Mickiewicz)
      • Review of 2020 Budget Proposal
    • Senior Member Elevation (John Prohodsky)
  7. 7:45 – Tonight's Focus 
    • Student Branch- OSU
    • Closed the Webex bridge and went to Mechanical Engineering Lab for student led overclocking demonstration 
  8. 8:20 – Future Focus
    Nov: ExCom Meeting will be remote
    Dec: Winter Social - Section Awards 2019 
  9. 8:30 – Adjournment

Attendees: Paulo Vasconcelos (Chair), Justin Wagner (Vice-Chair), Russ Mickiewicz (Treasurer), Heidi DeGarmo (Secretary), John Prohodsky (Senior Member Coordinator), Ed Perkins (Nanotechnology Council Secretary & CAS/EPS Chapter), Michael Bates (Computer Society), Matt Harrison (SAC Chair), Joshua Gess (OSU Student Advisor), Rachel McAfee(OSU Student Chair)

WebEx: Jian Guo (YP Chair), Eve Klopf (WIE Chair), Daniel Goodrich, Carmelle Munoz (PES Chair), Rick Smith (PACE Chair), Ed Epp (RAS), 

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6:00 – PIZZA and Social

  • Five pizzas and 2 sodas were enough for attendees

6:30 – Vice-Chair's Report (Justin Wagner)

  • The Section endorses/co-sponsors the following conferences/events and welcomes volunteers to represent the Section there
  • Votes confirm date for Winter Social Awards Dinner Dec 7, 2019

6:40 – Treasurer's Report (Russ Mickiewicz)

  • Balance/Reimbursements

7:00 – YoPro (Jay Guo) / SAC Report (Matt Harrison) / WIE (Eve Klopf)

  • YoPro - Presented PowerPoint on Membership
  • SAC - NEDME Booth for OSU students
  • Women in Engineering - Book of the Month Club: We Have No Idea by Jorge Cham

7:30 – Tonight's Focus

  • The University of Portland (UP)

8:00 Section Updates (Max 5 minutes per section)

  • RAS Demonstration by Ed Epp
  • PES updates by Carmelle Munoz

Future Focus

  • Oct: OSU
  • Nov: TBD
  • Dec: No meeting - Awards Banquet - Winter Social on Dec 7th

Attendees:  Justin Wagner (Vice-Chair), Russ Mickiewicz (Treasurer), Heidi Degarmo (Secretary), Rick Smith (PACE Chair), John Prohodsky (Senior Member Coordinator), Ed Epp (RAS Chair), Chadler Iriarte, Ben LaFauc, Addison Raak, Cole Robanzzi, Noa Leslie, Frank Kuss, Delaney Barnett, Nathan Lee, Jian Rowe, Kian Sadjadi, Sebastian Santos-Mendoza, Sean Colvin, Jennifer Brana, Bryan Harrington, Caitlin Chino, Alex Schendel, Taylor Fukumoto, Jessica Cherry, Cam King.

WebEx: Jian Guo (YP Chair), Eve Klopf (WIE Chair), Matt Harrison (SAC Chair), Carmelle Munoz (PES Chair).


Important Dates 

Action Items

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  1. 6:00 – PIZZA and Social

    • Five pizzas and 2 sodas were enough for attendees.
  2. 6:30 – Chair's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos) - The Section endorses/co-sponsors the following conferences/events and welcomes volunteers to represent the Section there.

    • PNW Leadership Summit - YPs and Students – July 13th weekend - Seattle, WA

      • Approved $500 matching funds in conjunction with Region 6, Seattle and Vancouver sections.
      • Potential 5 spots, Jay and Sid are going.
    • WIE International Leadership Summit – July 30th, with welcoming reception on July 29th - Richland, WA

      • Heidi and Astha going to represent the Section.
    • EVO - Evolution of You (former Future Leaders Forum) – August 2 - 3, Pittsburgh, PA

      • Paulo going to represent the Section, others are welcome.
    • PICMET – August 25 - 29, Portland, OR

      • Tugrul has students volunteering and helping with events.
    • Rising Stars 2020 – Las Vegas, NV

      • A conference designed especially for students and YPs.
    • SusTech – April, 23rd, 2020 – Long Beach, CA

      • John Prohodsky and Rick Smith volunteered to be on the planning SusTech planning committee with Ed Perkins.

    • GHTC – April 26th, 2019 - Seattle, WA

    • Section to look for opportunities to create a sponsored local, single day, one track event to bring the industry together.

    • Summer Social - August 10th, the Section reserved the entire boat.
      • Rick has the flyer for Intel promotion ready, will wait a couple of weeks to allow more ExCom folks to register before opening to all members.
    • Awards banquet - Winter Social
  3. 6:40 – Treasurer's Report (Russ Mickiewicz)

    • Section balance is around $85k
    • Section owes a couple of reimbursements, one may be a student. Russ will prioritize theirs. Others, please email him.
    • $2500 expense report from OSU ITherm approved and ok to pay.
    • Matt informed a couple of students have their expense reports approved, will send to Russ.
  4. 6:50 – Senior Member Elevation (John Prohodsky)

    • Eve and Paulo considering an application.
    • John to send an email on Friday, the 14th to invite Section senior members to provide references.
    • Alex (PSU SB Chair) looking for senior/fellow members willing to talk about their experience with IEEE to students. John to provide a list to Alex. Maybe bring Distinguished Lecturers as well.
    • The section should call out Senior Members in our events.
  5. 7:00 – YoPro (Jay Guo) / SAC Report (Matt Harrison) / WIE (Eve Klopf)

    • YoPro -
      • Sid is part of the Rising Star 2020 planning committee
      • Jay and Sid are scheduled to attend the PNW Leadership Summit and should report back on September ExCom with actionable items for YP.
    • SAC - 

      • Potential new student branch chapter for Education Society. Brandon Jeong introduced ATEN (especially for LEAFS). Matt to connect with Branimir. Eve suggested the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) as well.
      • OSU to post on LinkedIn regarding their experience and present about ITherm at the October meeting that should happen in Corvallis.
    • Women in Engineering

      • Heidi and Astha are scheduled to attend the WIE International Leadership Sumit
  6. 7:30 – Tonight's Focus

    • None
  7. 8:00 Section Updates (Max 5 minutes per section)

    • RAS meeting - David Gonzales moving by a month. ROS second version - Matt Hanson - Intel labs. Open manipulator - turtle bots

    • Computer Society - Sohrab collected signatures to reactivate CS. Will send information to Paulo so that the Section can send an official letter of support. Paulo V. motions to approve CS Chapter reestablishment, Rick S. seconds, all in favor, motion carries. CS endorses 4th International Verification and Security Workshop (IVSW) - Keynote Speaker - 5:30 PM - open to all IEEE members. Mike is appointed Interim Vice-Chair.

    • TEMS - PICMET preparations are underway, Tugrul has students helping with conference. No volunteers needed at this time.
    • SCS had their Distinguished Lecturer event.
  8. Future Focus

    Jul: no meeting (summer break)

    Ago: Summer Social on August 10th

    Sep: TBD

Attendees:  Paulo Vasconcelos (Chair), Jian Guo (YP Chair), Rick Smith (PACE Chair), John Prohodsky (Senior Member Coordinator), Ed Epp (RAS Chair), Stephen Johnston (PSU HKN Chair), Alex Higgins (PSU SB Chair), Jeff Roman (PSU SB Treasurer).

WebEx: Justin Wagner (Vice-Chair), Russ Mickiewicz (Treasurer), Eve Klopf (WIE Chair), Matt Harrison (SAC Chair), Carmelle Munoz (PES Chair), Jinsub Kim (SPS Chair), Tugrul Daim (TEM Chair), Sohrab Aftabjahani (CS Chair), Brandon Jeong.


Important Dates 

Action Items



  1. 6:00 – PIZZA and Social

  2. 6:30 – Acting Chair's Report (Justin Wagner on behalf of Paulo Vasconcelos)

    • Summer Social (Daniel Goodrich) 

  3. 6:40 – Treasurer's Report (Russ Mickiewicz) 

    •  Rebates Report

    • Chapters/Affinity Groups balances

  4. 6:50 – Elections' results (John Prohodsky)

  5. 7:00 – YoPro (Jay Guo) / SAC Report (Matt Harrison) / WIE (Eve Klopf)

    • TBD (if any)
    • OSU ITherm Funding Request
    • TBD (if any)
  6. 7:30 – Tonight's Focus

    • Robotics and Automation Society (RAS)
    • OSU SB
  7. 8:00 Section Updates (Max 5 minutes per section)


  8. Future Focus

    Jun: TBD

    Jul: TBD

    Ago: No meeting, Summer Social on August 10th




Important Dates 

Action Items



  1. 6:00 – PIZZA and Social

    • Five pizzas and 3 sodas were enough for attendees.
  2. 6:30 – Acting Chair's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos)

    • Stepping in as Chair per Region 6 directors request.

    • Conference Highlights from NWA Meeting.

  3. 6:40 – Treasurer's Report (Russ Mickiewicz)

    • The section has $84,000 in the bank.

  4. 6:50 – Elections' Report (John Prohodsky)

    • Extended nomination process did not get new nominees. Paulo Vasconcelos nominated to run for the Chair position, Justin Wagner for Vice Cahir,  Heidi DeGarmo for Secretary and Russ for Treasurer.
  5. 7:00 – YoPro (Jay Guo) / SAC Report (Matt Harrison) / WIE (Eve Klopf)

    • YoPro -
      • Received funding from Region 6 for Bowling Night
      • 16 people showed up for social networking
      • Potential future event: Gold Night
    • SAC - Steven Johnson of PSU has volunteered to be Section Student Representative (SSR). Steven was at the ExCom meeting and spoke about his qualifications. He was elected unanimously.

    • Women in Engineering - Heidi DeGarmo represented WIE as Eve Klopf was not available. Heidi talked about the Maker fair at World of Speed held on February 23, 2019.

  6. 7:30 – Tonight's Focus

    • Computer Society - is in the process of reorganizing. Sohrab asked for advice on organizing a chapter. John emailed information on the process of organizing a chapter and petition information. Paulo will help Sohrab contact CS members.
    • OITW SB - Tom Bridges gave a brief presentation on OIT Wilsonville’s activities. OIT has two events each term, typically a presentation and plant tour. Presentations last term included History of USB and Vector Analysis. The third event was Building a Retro Gaming Console based upon Raspberry Pi. See the presentation attached.
  7. 8:00 Section Updates (Max 5 minutes per section)

    • Russ Mickiewicz - Communications joint chapter has had minimal activity.

    • Dan Goodrich - Summer Social venue to be the Portland Spirit as suggested.

    • Ed Perkins - Science Fair judges are needed.
  8. Future Focus

    Apr: PSU and SSCS

    May: RAS

    Jun: TBD

Attendees:  Paulo Vasconcelos (Acting Chair), Russ Mickiewicz (Treasurer), Jian Guo (YP Chair), Rick Smith (PACE Chair), John Prohodsky (Past Chair), Ed Epp (RAS Chair),  Stephen Johnston (PSU SB Treasurer), Icek Warnecke (OIT), Daniel Engel (Webmaster), Jinsub Kim (SPS Chair), Justin Wagner. Erik Ruhl.

WebEx: Tugrul Daim (Vice Chair), Eve Klopf (WIE Chair), Matt Harrison (SAC Chair), Farhana Sheikh (SSCS Chair), Richard Dorrance (SSCS Vice Chair), David Rubenstein (PES Vice Chair), Ed Perkins.


Important Dates 

Action Items
