ExCom Minutes

Attendees: Diwakar, Dan, Amritesh, Ed Epp, Pradeep, Rick, Richard, Jose, Avra, John, Michael, Naznin, Sohrab

June minutes approved

Financial items

  • None this time

Chair report

  • Drove down to Corvallis. Attended conference reception
  • Need to assemble election team by Aug 3rd
    • Chair – John Prohodsky
    • Vtools lead – Diwakar
    • Member – Michael Bates
  • Diwakar to reserve the room in RA for Sept Excom

Treasure’s report

  • collaberatec for section is set

Chapter reports

  • Computer Society (Sohrab) –
  • PES (Jose) – Break for July/Aug. Will be attending PES meeting in Seattle.
  • RAS (Ed Epp) –
  • Solid State Circuits (Richard) – 2 distinguished lectures in June. Another distinguished lecture coming up.
  • YP (Amritesh) – Planning webinars in Aug and Sept. Also planning chips act workshop in Oct.
  • Comm Soc (Pradeep) – 3 speakers in last 3 months (fellows). Distinguished lecture (in-person) set for tomorrow.
  • PACE (Rick) – Reach out to Rick for help with planning of professional activities
  • WIE (Naznin) – Panel discussion on June 30
  • Photonics (Naznin) – Planning Sept onwards

Attendees: Diwakar, Dan, Ed Perkins, Naznin, Ed Epp, Sohrab, David, Rick

May minutes approved

Financial items

  • WIE leadership summit attendance at Richland for Naznin – Registration ($150) + 1 hotel night + mileage + meals [not to exceed $1000] – Approved
  • Ed/Naznin to follow up on AI meeting in Seattle and make a proposal in July meeting
  • RAS requests up to $2500 for rest of 2024 for spending on RAS projects - Approved
  • AR David Silver – Confirm the rules about passing money to 3rd party in relation with RAS

Chair report

  • Dan/Ed will follow up on Webex issues

Vice chair report

  • 2025 Sustech MoU approved

Summer Social

  • Aug 10 – Pinball. Register now.

Area meeting update (Dan/David)

  • Dan presented on parliamentary procedure

IEEE USA Congressional visit day report by Naznin

AR David to find the archival location to store presentation slides and propagate the knowledge to chapter chairs

Milestones – Plaque is Oregon department of transportation property. Good progress.

AR Ed Perkins - bring information about Life members

Chapter reports

  • RAS - Ed Epp – Working on turtle box 3
  • WIE - Naznin – Upcoming event on June 30
  • Photonics – Naznin –
  • PES – Jose - Meeting in June. Funding  from Oregon PES Chapter for Humanitarian Project in Molokai, Hawaii. Will be attending general PES meeting in Seattle.
  • Computer - Sohrab – Technical webinar
  • Rick Smith -
  • Nano – Ed Perkins – working on setting up meetings
  • Solid State Circuits – Richard -
  • We currently have 3 DL talks scheduled:
  • Dongsuk Jeon (Hybrid), Friday, June 21st from 11am-12pm (vTools)
  • Mingoo Seok (Virtual), Tuesday, June 25th from 10-11am (vTools to be created shortly)
  • Shreyas Sen (Hybrid), Friday, July 19th, time TBD

Attendees: Daniel, Ed Epp, David Silver, Dave Durocher, Richard, Jose, Diwakar, Heidi, Michael, Sohrab, Ed Perkins, Rick Smith


Minutes approved

Chair report:

  • Succession plan – David Silver (chair), Jose Garcia (vice chair), Naznin (secretary), Daniel Goodrich (treasurer)
  • Area meeting this Saturday (5/18) – anyone can attend
  • Milestone – Good progress.
  • Signal Processing conference:  $2k of the $7k to be used for welcome reception, the other $5k for the banquet.  Anyone want to attend?  Daniel is driving down Monday afternoon July 8th.

Summer social

  • Reserved for Aug 10 – Save the date. Pricing will be same as last year.


AR David: Disperse chapter funding for IAS

Ed Epp: Request for $425 for upgrading RAS robot for ROS workshops – Approved.

AR Ed Epp: Request for $3300. Ed will put together a list of how the money will be allocated and motion will be entertained in June’s meeting.

SUSTECH de-brief; any major issues? Next year?  Committee? – next year in LA area – Good update from Ed Perkins

Soft Skills seminar -> Diwakar/Ed Perkins to follow up with John

STEM Week report from Heidi -> Great report.

Speaker gifts have arrived; how to set up a UPS account, and which packaging to purchase. Make an account with postoffice.

AR Daniel Goodrich - Web site follow up:  Is the comment about Helen and unemployed engineers still applicable? – Ask Daniel Engle to clean up

Naznin to report on Congressional Visit – Pushed to next month.

Speaker Gifts (Dan/David) – Great job by Dan and David to get the speaker gifts and setup a pain-free process for chapters to send speaker gifts.

AR Daniel Engle – Update the officers for IAS on the website

Chapter reports

  • RAS – Ed Epp –
  • IAS – Dave – New Treasurer
  • Computer – Sohrab
  • Nano – Ed
  • PES - Jose –
  • Solid state circuits - Richard –
  • WIE – Naznin/Heidi -

Attendees: Diwakar, Dan, Ed Perkins, Ed Epp, Rick Smith, Heidi, Deepak Dasalukunte, Michael Hayashi, Xiao Fu, Sean Murphy , Jose Garcia, Pradeep Kumar                     

March minutes – approved

Chair report

  • Attended section OpComm in Seattle and reported on it.
  • Speakers with IEEE engraving are available for distinguished speakers as gift

Spend upto $300 for summer social pins to be used during social and beyond – approved

Diwakar to send out section email for Sustech promotion

Chapter reports

  • Industry application society: Sean Murphy: Talk coming up on Art flash
  • RAS: Ed Epp: Report out at region 6 workshop. Trying to revive Robotics and Operating systems.
  • PES: Jose Garcia: Talk scheduled next Tuesday.
  • Solid state circuits: Deepak: 2 talks in the pipeline. Chapter added to honor roll due to regular events.
  • EPS: Ed Perkins: figuring out the plans. Working on scheduling programs for Nano.
  • Stem and student activities: Heidi: Oregon stem week will be May 4-12.
  • Student group: Michael: Focus on Oregon state university. Dan will focus on WSU Vancouver.
  • Comm Soc: Pradeep: had a speaker from Univ. of Hong kong. 60 attendees. Edge computing. Next event in 2 weeks, speaker from University in Belgium. Quantum computing talk in Fall.
  • SPS: Xiao: Distinguished lecture from Purdue U this Thursday – open event, in person

Attendees: Diwakar, Dan, Ed Perkins, Richard, Ed Epp, Rick Smith, David, Heidi, Naznin, Daniel Engle, Sohrab                          

  • Minutes for feb excom – approved
  • New Business –
    • Money approved ($750) for WIE+YP event at sustech – How to use the money TBD. Separate vtools event.
    • CVD expense for Naznin (April) – (flight, hotel, food) – Approved
    • Oregon Stem week - $300 sponsor for prizes (daily drawing of $100 for 3 days) – 1st week in May – Use money allocated for STEM (report back where the money was used – Heidi)
  • Chair’s report
    • SW Washington Science fair
    • OpComm in Seattle this weekend – Dan, David and Ed attending
  • Summer social – Aug 10th, Pinball museum
  • In person meeting in May at Intel Ronler Acres
  • Sensor array Conference – Section approved $6900 – July 8th – If interested in driving down with Daniel Goodrich, let him know.
  • Chapter reports
    • RAS - Ed Epp – send the report the Diwakar. Diwakar to work with Dan G. & Dan E. to publish on website and include the link in section newsletter
    • Sustech - Ed Perkins to send out Sustech blurb to Diwakar to add in the newsletter
    • WIE – in collaboration with photonics - event on March 25th
    • June 29th IEEE WIE day
    • Photonics – May 16th light day – Naznin is planning a panel discussion.
    • Richard – Solid state circuits society – Hybrid event attended by 65 people
    • Sohrab - computer