ExCom Minutes


  1. 6:00 – PIZZA and Social

    • Five pizzas are enough for attendees, PSU SB brought soda.
  2. 6:30 – Secretary's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos)

    • Stressed need for reporting meeting attendance; IEEE uses attendance information to calculate rebates. There are a few chapter meetings who don’t fill out L31’s.  He is working with the IEEE staff to develop a solution. A temporary solution is to delete meetings with no attendance reported after one month of its occurance.

  3. 6:40 – Treasurer's Report (Russ Mickiewicz)

    • The section has $83,000 in the bank. Annual reports have been filed. Rebates are expected. 

  4. 6:50 – Elections' Report (John Prohodsky)

    • Justin Wagner (a past section chair) showed interest in either section chair or vice chair. Yao Feng Chang showed interest in being an officer. Follow up is needed by John. Ed Perkins mentioned extending the nomination process. Ed said Don Badley expressed interest in becoming active in Section activities.
  5. 7:00 – YoPro (Jay Guo) / SAC Report (Matt Harrison) / WIE (Eve Klopf)

    • YoPro - No events in the pipeline. Dr. Tim Anderson will be the presenter for the next workshop on Saturday, March 16th. The topic is Innovation Tools.
    • SAC - Steven Johnson of PSU has volunteered to be Section Student Representative (SSR). Steven was at the ExCom meeting and spoke about his qualifications. He was elected unanimously.

    • Women in Engineering - Heidi DeGarmo represented WIE as Eve Klopf was not available. Heidi talked about the Maker fair at World of Speed held on February 23, 2019.

  6. 7:30 – Tonight's Focus

    • Computer Society - is in the process of reorganizing. Sohrab asked for advice on organizing a chapter. John emailed information on the process of organizing a chapter and petition information. Paulo will help Sohrab contact CS members.
    • OITW SB - Tom Bridges gave a brief presentation on OIT Wilsonville’s activities. OIT has two events each term, typically a presentation and plant tour. Presentations last term included History of USB and Vector Analysis. The third event was Building a Retro Gaming Console based upon Raspberry Pi. See the presentation attached.
  7. 8:00 Section Updates (Max 5 minutes per section)

    • Russ Mickiewicz - Communications joint chapter has had minimal activity.

    • Dan Goodrich - Summer Social venue to be the Portland Spirit as suggested.

    • Ed Perkins - Science Fair judges are needed.
  8. Future Focus

    Apr: PSU and SSCS

    May: RAS

    Jun: TBD

Attendees:  Paulo Vasconcelos (Secretary), Russ Mickiewicz (Treasurer), John Prohodsky (Past Chair), Daniel Goodrich (Awards Coordinator), Ed Epp (RAS Chair), Heidi DeGarmo, Kirk Jungles (PSU SB Chair), Stephen Johnston (PSU SB Treasurer), Thomas Bridges (OIT SB Chair), Daniel Engel (Webmaster), Jinsub Kim (SPS Chair), Justin Wagner, Icek Warnecke, Michael Bates.

WebEx: Tugrul Daim (Vice Chair), Souma Badonbena (YP ViceChair), Sid Dasari (YP Treasurer), Matt Harrison (SAC Chair), Richard Dorrance (SSCS Vice Chair), Sohrab Aftabjahani, Ed Perkins, Carolyn Peterson.


Important Dates 

Action Items


Download this file (2019_03 - Sign-in Sheet.pdf)2019_03 - Sign-in Sheet244 kB


  1. 6:00 – PIZZA and Social

  2. 6:30 – Chair's Report (Tugrul Daim)

    • Not able to report
  3. 6:40 – Treasurer's Report (Russ Mickiewicz)

    • $82K in the bank. If anyone is expecting to be reimbursed, send Russ an email.

  4. 6:50 – Secretary's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos)

    • Not able to report
  5. 7:00 – YoPro (Jay Guo) / SAC Report (Matt Harrison) / WIE (Eve Klopf)

    • YoPro
      • Self-driving car oppty for discussion (speaker from Intel)
      • Need a classroom at PSU to host the event. Work with Kirk (PSU Student Chapter Chair)
    • Women in Engineering

      • Head of Tektronix guest speaker
      • World of Speed - Maker Fair. Asking for $270 for class materials. February 23rd. 12-4p
      • Diwakar provided a table cloth/cover and some handouts
      • JohnP will be assisting. Ed will look for a copy of material from "A Day at the Capital", 2011
  6. 7:30 – Tonight's Focus

    • Region 6 + Region 4 Annual Mtg (end of January) - Tempe AZ
      • Status from Ed Perkins. ~ 150 attendees

      • Both Exec Director, President presented

      • 2 candidates for IEEE President presented

      • SK Ramesh - petition candidate. Spread the word, but not allowed to use IEEE distribution lists.

      • IEEE USA President-elect candidates

      • VP of Govt Relations

      • Numerous presentations MGA, Region 10, 7 reps, breakout sessions

      • Matt Harrison (Student Chapter) won an award

      • New President focus will be on ethics, size of membership, financial transparency, open access

      • A debate about all Societies being encouraged to provide open access to content. EU disagrees

    • NW Area Sections Meeting
      • To be held March 30 (likely in Portland, but not confirmed)
    • Technology Roadmap Workshop #1
      • 13 people attended, Only 7 submitted forms for certificates.
      • Heidi - application # for all 4 workshops is the same. It's been approved and accepted
  7. 8:00 Section Updates (Max 5 minutes per section)

    • Ed Perkins (Electronic Packaging and Systems - Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Tech Society)

      • Mtg Feb 28, a distinguished lecturer from Hong Kong
      • Recent Advances
      • Migrations to Wordpress has encountered some delays
      • Large # of DNS' is causing a problem
    • Ed Epp (Robotics and Automation Society)

      • Mtg coming up focused on building lightwave components for robots
      • Working on an open manipulator (robot arm) lab, probably in the next couple of months. Axiom is providing parts and selling them to people that are interested.
      • Working with FIRST (Robotics Competition and Tech Challenge). URL: https://www.firstinspires.org/
        • SDK - 2 android phones used for robot controller and communication. Uses Android Studio.
        • Can be very challenging for students
        • Learning model - recognize objects in the field and manipulate them. The interface is a straight forward-collect array of objects, determine a goal, and use location to control the robot.
        • Uses Tensorflow Lite. URL: https://www.tensorflow.org/lite
    • Carmelle Munoz (Power and Energy Society)
      • Oregon Coal Plant was discussed at the last monthly meeting
    • OIT Chapter Update
      • 2/20: Steve McGowan - USB standards and protocols - guest speaker
      • 2/26: raspberry pi workshop
    • Circuits & Systems Society
      • Getting started - had 3 meetings last year
      • Check vTools for upcoming events
    • Ed Perkins: Sustech Conference
      • 2020 to be held in April
      • Maybe 2021 to be held in Portland
    • Computer Society Status

      • Background: starting up again to reestablish the chapter.
      • Need to submit a petition.
      • Need at least 2 meetings a year
      • Put together a plan to make being a member worthwhile
      • Co-chair now in Austin
      • Get together with Diwakar to understand recruiting members
      • Screening speakers? Some campuses have processes that need to be followed
        • Hawthorn Farms auditorium doesn't screen the speaker
      RichardD to research for Sohrab
  8. Future Focus

    Mar: Computer Society and OITW SB

    Apr: TBD

    May: TBD

Attendees:  Russ Mickiewicz (Treasurer), John Prohodsky (Past Chair), Jian Guo (YP Chair), Rick Smith (PACE Chair), Carmelle Munoz (PES Chair), David Rubenstein (PES Vice Chair), Ed Epp (RAS Chair), Eve Klopf (WIE Chair), Farhana Sheikh (SSCS Chair), Richard Dorrance (SSCS Vice Chair), Heidi DeGarmo, Sohrab Aftabjahani, Ed Perkins, Eric, David Rubenstein, Jeffrey H.


Important Dates 

Action Items

  1. JohnP will send out an email for Call for Nominations for the Chair/Vice Chair elections.


  1. 6:00 – PIZZA and Social

  2. 6:30 – Chair's Report (Hamid Sharifnia)

    • Hamid asked to be excused from his responsibilities as Chair due to health reasons.
  3. 6:40 – Treasurer's Report (Russ Mickiewicz)

    • Report attached.
  4. 6:50 – Secretary's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos)

    • OpCom in January 25th
      • Paulo Vasconcelos will likely attend. Ed Perkins will attend. Nobody else from the Section seems to be available.
    • Section Awards Committee creation and Chair nomination
      • Motion made by Secretary to create Section Awards Committee and appoint Daniel Goodrich as Chair due to his outstanding work during the Section Socials. Seconded by Past Chair, all in favor - motion passes.
    • Congratulations to all, 100% of meetings in 2018 had filed their attendance report.
    • Consultants network affinity group was awarded the Most active Affinity Group in 2018.
    • PES Chapter was awarded the Most Active Society Chapter in 2018.
    • John Prohodsky appointed as Senior Membership Development replacing Brian Conley.
  5. 7:00 – YoPro (Jay Guo) / SAC Report (Matt Harrison) / WIE (Eve Klopf)

    • Rising Stars 2019 Report
    • TEMS Workshop Series updates
    • Section Student Representative (SSR)
    • WIE Events
  6. 7:30 – Tonight's Focus

    • Signal Processing Society (SPS) - see the presentation below.
  7. 8:00 Section Updates (Max 5 minutes per section)

  8. Future Focus

    Feb: TBD

    Mar: TBD

    Apr: TBD

Attendees:  Paulo Vasconcelos (Secretary), Russ Mickiewicz (Treasurer), John Prohodsky (Past Chair), Jian Guo (YP Chair), Rick Smith (PACE Chair), Carmelle Munoz (PES Chair), Ed Epp (RAS Chair), Kirk Jungles (PSU SB Chair), Haider Al-kanan, Thomas Bridges (OIT SB Chair), Taylor Courier, Sid Dasari, Bruno George, Stephen Johnston, David Rubenstein, Ryan Schofield, Aditee Shrotre, Diwakar Agarwal.

WebEx Attendees:  Branimir Pejcinovic, Eve Klopf, Matt Harrison, Daniel Engel (Webmaster), Ed Perkins, Jinsub Kim, Ken Mays (ED15/MTT17 Chair).


Important Dates 

Action Items