ExCom Minutes


6:00 – Refreshments and Social

6:30 – Adoption of Agenda

  • The meeting started at 6:45 PM.

6:35 – Approval of previous minutes

  • Motion made to approve March and April minutes at the May meeting.

7:00 – Reports

  • Chair's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos)
    • Upcoming conferences to Portland - reach out to help with the advertisement. TLAs: from the slide: RESPECT, PLANS, ARITH.
    • WIE Book Club - Soonish - 1st Thursday of the Month - just before bedtime.
    • March 13th - GBSE & PPSSE Expos - (Judges needed) - Gresham High School
    • YP PNW Leadership Summit - 2020, July 17th - 19th
    • Summer Social - 2020 July 25th - Portland Pickles Game
    • State Science Fair (Used to be ISEF) NW Science Expo - April 10th (NWSE).
    • Updates for Section Communications
      • On IEEE.org, under membership benefits, select:
        • Local IEEE comms
        • Member-related comms
    • New/Returning Section Volunteers
  • Treasurer's Report (Lee Oien).
    • Request for Reimbursement 2020 format
    • IEEE Finance accepted our financial report for the section. Not sure about the chapters.
    • Expense form submissions (OR Section Reimbursement request).
  • YoPro (Jian Guo)
    • Working with OIT
      • Career day May 31st
      • Interview coaches - for students
  • Women in Engineering
    • .

7:40 – Discussion Items:

  • Social Media Collaborator - Anushka Naiknaware
    • Weekly updates in LinkedIn, promoting events to our membership
  • Senior Member - message to Intel folks?
    • New website and slide for Chapters.

7:50 – Action Items

  • None.

7:55 – Tonight's Focus (Information Items)

  • Robotics & Automation Society (RAS)
    • Seminars & Workshops
      • ROS lives on top of Linux - Matt Hansen - Intel ROS Navigation project head. This has now moved to Samsung, and Matt has moved on to Amazon
      • Tensorflow for locating FTC game pieces. First Tech Challenge (FTC).
  • PSU IEEE Students Branch - Alex Higgins 

    Instead of sharing a key, get a real-estate lockbox and provide the combo to the board members

    Spring term - board mtg, workshop (TBD), Social events (active engineer)

    • End-of-the-year picnic
    • Website redesign
    • Recruiting 1st/2nd year students
    • Focus on new members - now it's only $18 for the remainder of the school year (thru mid-August)

    Consider a survey that reaches out to recent grads, and ask them "what didn't you know that you needed to know? 

    • Using a Facebook page, or need help with social promos

8:00 – Old Business / New Business

Gift cards - need some $$ for these

  • SusTech Conference -

    • About 50 papers being reviewed
    • April 23-25th
    • Not yet decided about postponing or cancel??

8:20 – Future Focus
Apr: PES and OIT Klamath Falls. Justin to confirm.
May: TBD
Jun: TBD

8:30 – Adjournment

Attendees (WebEx):  Paulo Vasconcelos (Chair), Justin Wagner (Vice-Chair), Heidi DeGarmo (Secretary), Lee Oien (Treasurer), Jian Guo (YP Chair), Rick Smith (PACE Chair), Ed Epp (RAS Chair), Ed Perkins (Nanotechnology Council), Michael Bates (CS Vice-Chair), Alex Higgins (PSU SB Chair), DDhawal Moghe, John Prohodsky, Russ Mickiewicz, Eve KlopfDaniel Engel, Richard Dorrance, Tugrul Daim.

Replaced with Chapter Chairs Dinner in Celebration to Engineering Week.


6:00 – PIZZA and Social

  • Jimmy John's sandwiches served

6:30 – Adoption of Agenda

  • The meeting started at 6:46 PM.

6:35 – Approval of previous minutes

  • November minutes approved.

6:40 – Action Items:

  • Senior Member Elevation - John Prohodsky to send an email will be sent Thursday.
  • Intel volunteering program - Section leadership who works at Intel to send their submitted hours to the Section for Intel donation disbursement.
  • SusTech emergency funds - Russ to request transfer to SusTech on behalf of the Region 6. 

6:50 – Discussion Items

  • SusTech requests an advance/loan of $3000 to be repaid from conference proceeds. This is to cover Region 6’s portion of SusTech’s seed money which is, in addition, the Oregon Section’s seed money. Ed Perkins made a motion “The Oregon Section to loan SusTech $3000.” Russ Mickiewicz seconds the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

  • The Oregonian Section will transfer funds budgeted for chapters to chapter concentration banking accounts. It is assumed that chapters will meet MGA requirements for meetings. Paulo discussed MGA requirements for chapter and student branch rebates from MGA. Chapters and Student Branches must report meetings by the 3rd week in February to get rebates. Changes in chapter officers must be reported ASAP.

  • Intel rebates $10 for each hour of volunteer work by their employees and retirees. This includes travel to/from meetings, meeting preparation, presentation preparation, duties as an officer, meeting, and conference organizing time. Intel disburses volunteer rebates in a lump sum to the Section. In order for chapters to get their Intel volunteer rebate, they must track volunteer hours and report them to the Treasurer so the funds can be disbursed properly.

7:00 – Reports

  • Chair's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos)
    • Region 6 OpCom is February 7-9 at the Embassy Suites North/LAX, 9801 Airport Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90045.

    • The spring NW Area meeting will be in Richmond, WA.

    • Presented projection of chapter rebates based upon chapters reporting meetings.
  • Treasurer's Report (Russ Mickiewicz)
    • We are doing quite well financially, we have over $80,000 in the bank.
  • YoPro (Jian Guo)
    • Young Professionals is having a Bowling Night on January 31st at Big Al’s in Beaverton. You can register online at the Oregon Section website.
  • SAC (Matt Harrison)
    • None.
  • Women in Engineering - Pair with TEMS Workshops
    • WIE - book club is going strong. The next meeting is February 6th, the first Thursday of the month. Meeting information is on the Section website WIE is sponsoring an hour of code held at World of Speed in conjunction with Engineering Week
  • Senior Member Elevation (John Prohodsky)
    • The section has 310 senior members.

7:45 – Tonight's Focus (Information Items)

  • December Computer Society chapter meeting was on Identifying Threats. 52 attended.
  • OIT Wilsonville Student Branch presentation - Technical difficulties presented presentation from being seen. The presentation will be included in the minutes. The presentation summarized past student branch activities and their future plans. OIT SB received an award for doing an excellent job.

8:00 – Old Business / New Business

  • None.

8:20 – Future Focus
Feb: No ExComm - Replaced with Chapter Chairs Dinner in celebration of Engineers Week. Invitation to be sent.
Mar: PSU
Apr: TBD

8:30 – Adjournment

Attendees:  Paulo Vasconcelos (Chair), Justin Wagner (Vice-Chair), Russ Mickiewicz (Treasurer),  Heidi DeGarmo (Secretary), Jian Guo (YP Chair), Rick Smith (PACE Chair), John Prohodsky (Senior Member Coordinator),  Ed Epp (RAS Chair), Ed Perkins (Nanotechnology Council), Michael Bates (CS Vice-Chair), Cody Gaither (OIT SB), David Hammond (OIT Advisor), Thomas Bridges (OIT Vice-Chair), Rebecca Burfitt (OIT SB), Max Schmidt (OIT SB Treasurer), Ryan Schofield (OIT SB), Patrick Cornwall (OIT SB), Icek Warnecke (OIT SB Chair), Wilson Connor (OIT SB).

WebEx: Diwakar Agarwal, (Membership Coordinator), Eve Klopf (WIE Chair), Tugrul Daim (TEMS Chair), Jinsub Kim (SP Chair), Sohrab Aftabjahani (CS Chair), Daniel Engel (Webmaster), Alex Higgins (PSU SB Chair).

  • ExCom meetings should have PSU's address, the room is already reserved for the whole year. Alex Higgins to provide access to attendees.
    • Due to security issues, PSU now locks the Engineering building at 6 PM, people can have access using the tunnels from the building next door.
  • January ExComm: catering at Wilsonville, no pizza at PSU this time.
  • Chapter funds from Intel donations roll-over from one year to the next. Section support funds do not roll over to next year.
  • Moving forward, the Section will automatically transfer funds to Chapters IHOP accounts. Chapters only receive Section support if they meet MGA requirements along with their MGA rebates.
Actions items:
  • Connect with Computer Society (Sohrab) for them to give the Chapter Focus Presentation for the January meeting. OIT Portland-Metro SB will give the Student Branch Focus Presentation.
  • Take care of ExCom meetings and agenda
    • Jan agenda items include: Present 2019-20 approved budget, people's expectation from the Section in 2020 (committees to be formed), MGA rebates process
  • Heidi to update the meeting address back to PSU.
  • Take care of meetings in vTools, monitor chapters events and send monthly reminders for meeting reports.
  • Report attendance for COMSOC events in December.
  • Take care of the annual budget using Daniel's file.
  • To present on MGA requirements for their rebates during Jan ExCom.
  • Take care of senior membership elevation with Diwakar, Heidi, and Michael.


6:00 – PIZZA and Social

  • 5 pizzas and 4 sodas served

6:30 – Adoption of Agenda

6:35 – Approval of previous minutes

6:40 – Action Items:

  •  IEEE TV 

6:50 – Discussion Items

  • Four Awards for Winter Social

7:00 – Reports

  • Chair's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos)
    • Yearly calendar
    • Awards banquet - Winter Social
  • Treasurer's Report (Russ Mickiewicz)
    • Budget for 2020 Proposed
    • Budget for 2020 Approved
  • YoPro - Winter Night Bowling  
  • SAC - 4 attending Rising Stars
  • Women in Engineering - Pair with TEMS Workshops
  • Senior Member Elevation (John Prohodsky)
    • Action Item: How to determine who is eligible?

7:45 – Tonight's Focus (Information Items)

8:00 – Old Business / New Business

8:20 – Future Focus
Dec: Winter Social - Section Awards 2019
Jan: OIT Portland Metro
Feb: No meeting - Chapter Chairs Dinner in celebration of Engineering week

8:30 – Adjournment

Attendees:  Paulo Vasconcelos (Chair), Russ Mickiewicz (Treasurer), Justin Wagner (Vice Chair), Heidi DeGarmo (Secretary), Jian Guo (YP Chair), Rick Smith (PACE Chair), John Prohodsky (Senior Member Coordinator), Daniel Engel (Webmaster), Michael Bates (Computer Society), Alex Higgins (PSU SB Chair), Wilson Connor (OIT SB).

WebEx: Eve Klopf (WIE Chair), Matt Harrison (SAC Chair), Ed Perkins (Nano Society), Sohrab Aftabjahani (CS Chair).

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