ExCom Minutes
June 2022 ExComm Minutes
6:15 Secretary Goodrich starts meeting and notes attendees
Attendees: Ed Epp, Ed Perkins, Richard Dorrance, Rick Smith, Daniel Goodrich, Sohrab Aftabjahani, Daniel Engel, Jinsub Kim, and at 7:30 John Prohodsky
6:30 Chair calls the meeting to order
6:35 Approval of Past Minutes Approved and status of previous action items John to provide Dan with the list of 2022 officers in the chapters. John to figure out how to get an e-mail list that crosses Section boundaries (Mcloughlin?).
Adoption of Agenda
6:45 Chair’s report: John P. given at 7:30
6:45 Vice-Chair’s Report: Not Present
6:50 Treasurer’s Report: Not present. We have >$150k in our account.
6:55 Secretary’s Report—Summer Social August 6th (Portland Pickles) Dan will update registration for food and will contact Diwakar. Dan will also combine Rick Smith’s and Ed Perkin’s notes and upload the May minutes.
7:00 Chapter Reports
Ed Epp RAS: Presentation on How Humanoids can save the worlds’ labor crisis is on June 29th, Ed will add it to vTools.
Rick Smith, PACE: No major activity for PACE. Rick is assisting with Planning for Sustech April, 2023.
David Silver, PES: Not present. We met May 17th, and will meet again in September.
Sohrab, Computer Society: No events in June, probably will have an event in July or so. He is attending a security conference in Washington DC. Is serving as a judge for their hardware security competition and for posters. Another conference in San Francisco.
On the subject of gifts, can they be given to a lecturer? The answer is yes. However, they don’t have a Treasurer for their chapter. They can fill out an online expense through Concur, and Lee can reimburse.
Ed Perkins, Nanotechnology: Intend to have meetings within the next few months.
Sustech 2023 ( https://ieee-sustech.org April 20th or so): They will do an MOU and the Section will provide the seed money. They are working on a program chair and other key roles like registration chair and publicity. The Section will be the co-sponsor. Ed will work with Lee Oien on the budget.
Packaging society is also working on scheduling meetings.
Jinsub Kim, Signal Processing: They met June 14th, a Technical seminar by an OSU professor. They will have a distinguished lecturer on October 10th, he’s from Harvard. They submitted a proposal to host a workshop at either Skamania Lodge or at OSU. Sensor Array Processing in 2024. Contact Lee to get info on how to get a debit/credit card for the Chapter.
Ugonna, Student Chapters: Not present.
Daniel Engel, Web site: Nothing major, all is well. Web site renewal is coming up, Daniel will contact Lee.
Richard Dorrance, Solid State Circuits: Had a distinguished lecturer from UW on June 10th. There is a plan to have a Georgia Tech professor speak in the future. Sometime in July they want to have a social event.
7:20 New Business. What about the Section purchasing gifts like a mug or equivalent to be distributed to speakers as appreciation? John will schedule a brainstorming meeting, and then the group will make a recommendation for a speaker gift the July meeting.
Face to face meeting September 13th. Ideas for meeting. John will find a location and notify us.
Officer Elections: John will start that process at the end of June. Nominations will take place around September, elections in October.
7:55 Reading of Action Items
7:58 Next Meeting July 12th
Adjourn Adjourned at 7:58
April 2022 ExComm meeting minutes
6:15 Secretary Goodrich starts meeting and notes attendees
Attendees: John Prohodsky, Ed Epp, Ed Perkins, Richard Dorrance, Rick Smith, Lee Oien, Daniel Goodrich, Ugonna Chikezie, Aaron Cohen, , Sohrab Aftabjahani, Jinsub Kim, David Silver
6:30 Chair calls the meeting to order
6:35 Approval of Past Minutes Approved and status of previous action items John to provide Dan with the list of 2022 officers in the chapters. John to figure out how to get an e-mail list that crosses Section boundaries (Mcloughlin?).
Adoption of Agenda
6:45 Chair’s report: John P.
6:45 Vice-Chair’s Report: Not Present
6:50 Treasurer’s Report: $145,968.67 in the account as of 4/12/2022. $13,080 “Volunteer Match” funds came in—is it from Intel? Chapter support will go out later this month. Ed Epp and Rick Smith to verify. Lee to find out if interest groups can have a bank account.
6:55 Secretary’s Report—Summer Social August 6th (Portland Pickles) Dan to contact the Pickles and get an estimate.
7:00 Chapter Reports
Ed Epp RAS: Still working with Benson. Weekly Friday tutorials.
Rick Smith, PACE: SUSTECH is next week.
David Silver, PES: Next meeting April 19th on Power system communications
Sohrab, Computer Society: Technical webinar March 31st, professor from UF, 30 people attended. April meeting planned. IEEE TV at https://www.youtube.com/user/IEEETV/videos
Ed Perkins, Nanotechnology: No meetings scheduled. We need new officers.
Sustech: Early registration ends Friday. The 2023 meeting will be in Portland. Ed is working with PSU to get meeting space.
Jinsub Kim, Signal Processing: Working on a distinguished lecturer.
Ugonna, Student Chapters: Rebecca Buritt, Chair at OIT. Does IEEE give out graduation chords? The Section does not, however, Ed Perkins has a connection.
Daniel Engel, Web site: Everything is stable
Richard Dorrance, Solid State Circuits: Distinguished lecturer from Georgia Tech April 29th.
7:50 New Business.
7:55 Reading of Action Items
7:58 Next Meeting May 10th
January 2022 EXCOM Minutes
6:15 Secretary Goodrich starts meeting and notes attendees
Attendees: John Prohodsky, Ed Epp, Richard Dorrance, David Silver, Rick Smith, David Silver, Lee Oien, Farhana Sheikh, Ed Epp, Daniel Goodrich, Jinsub Kim, Ugonna Chikezie, Daniel Engel, Diwakar
6:30 Chair calls the meeting to order
6:35 Approval of Past Minutes and status of previous action items Approved
Adoption of Agenda Adopted
6:40 Chair’s Report Eve Klopf is taking a job in North Carolina, so we need to find a new WIE chair. *Action John will send out an e-mail seeking a replacement. Perhaps Heidi D.? *Action John will contact the leadership that hasn’t been attending to try and find out why.
The Region 4/6 OPComm meeting will be virtual, February 25-27.
6:45 Vice-Chair’s Report Not Present
6:50 Treasurer’s Report Lee: Finances haven’t changed much since last meeting. $133K in the account.
Chapter Chairs/Treasurers, watch for an e-mail from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and be sure to file the appropriate information and close out vTools.
6:55 Secretary’s Report
7:00 Chapter Reports (5 minutes Each)
Ed Epp RAS: Ed sent out a link to a tutorial he developed.
Rick Smith, PACE: Continuing support for Sustech 2022 and 23
David Silver, PES: Good attendance, we have speakers planned through April.
Sohrab, Computer Society: Not present
Richard Dorrance, Solid State Circuits, he is taking over the Solid State Circuits Chair. They also have a Secretary. Farhana will be in an advisory role.
Ed Perkins, Nanotechnology:
Sustech: Portland plans to host April 2023
Jinsub Kim, Signal Processing: Distinguished professor gave a presentation in November. They are seeking more speakers.
Diwakar: Senior Membership *Action: All Senior Members contact Diwakar so that there is a pool of folks who can make recommendations for people submitting applications for Senior Membership.
Regarding Monthly e-mail distributions. *Action: If you are having an event, please put it on vTools so that Diwakar can e-mail them out. “Action: Update the contact info on the Section web site.
Ugonna, Student Chapters: Rising Star conference just ended.
Daniel Engel, web site: Hosting service changes—file path changes on server, so many attachments on chapter pages might be moved. *Action: Chapter Chairs check for your information. GoDaddy copied the web site in November; Daniel patched in what he could for the ExCom minutes. *Action please check for any data that might be missing.
7:35 Focus Presentation.
7:50 New Business.
7:55 Reading of Action Items
7:58 Next Meeting February 8th.
Adjourn Adjourned at 7:57PM.
December 2021 EXCOM Minutes
6:15 Secretary Goodrich starts meeting and notes attendees
John Prohodsky, Ed Epp, Richard Dorrance, David Silver, Rick Smith, David Silver, Daniel Engel, Sohrab Aftabjahani, Ugonna Chikezie
6:30 Chair calls the meeting to order
6:35 Approval of Past Minutes and status of previous action items Approved
Adoption of Agenda Adopted
6:40 Chair’s Report Region 4/6 Op comm meeting in Phoenix, January 28-30, John P. will attend, and a few others can attend. RSVP by January 10th. A 1099 is issued for this. *John will send out details for this event.
6:45 Vice-Chair’s Report Not present
6:50 Treasurer’s Report Not present, *budget for 2022 to be sent out.
6:55 Secretary’s Report *Dan will send a recurring meeting. Add Richard Dorrance to the distribution list.
7:00 Chapter Reports (5 minutes Each)
Ed Epp RAS: Submitted volunteer hours to Intel for 2021.
Rick Smith, PACE Continuing support of Sustech with Ed Perkins. INTEL EMPLOYEES: Don’t forget to submit volunteer hours by DECEMBER 15th at 3pm.
David Silver, PES: Still having monthly meetings. OSU is interested in attending, and David provided the link to them.
Sohrab, Computer Society: Next event was scheduled for December 20th, but it might be canceled. He is assisting with references for people submitting for Senior membership.
Richard Dorrance, Solid State Circuits: Last event of the year was last Friday the 10th. They did a Friday morning meeting and it was well attended, 17 attendees. They are looking for a Secretary, but have the Chair and Vice Chair positions covered.
Ugonna, Student Chapters: He is working with OSU and other student branches.
Daniel Engel, web site: Web site is stable. Check your Chapter info on the web site.
7:35 Focus Presentation. None
7:50 New Business. None
7:55 Reading of Action Items
7:58 Next Meeting January 11th.
Adjourn Adjourned at 7:23pm