ExCom Minutes

IEEE Oregon Section February 2024 Meeting Minutes

BUSINESS MEETING: Parliamentary Procedure Will be used

Attendees:  Ed Epp, Jose Garcia, Xiao Fu, Naznin Akter, Richard Dorrance, Heidi DeGarmo, Michael Bates, Jinsub Kim, John Prohodsky, Sohrab,

6:30 Approval of Past Minutes (by consensus and without objection)

6:33 Adoption of Agenda by consensus

6:35 Status of Previous Business Meeting Action Items

6:40 Chair’s Report

6:45 Vice-Chair’s Report

6:47 Treasurer’s Report

6:50 Secretary’s Report

6:55 New Business—Any Chapter requests for funds or resources not already in the budget or requests for actions by the ExComm

7:00 Close Business meeting


Remaining items

7:00 Chapter Reports (5 minutes Each):


Circuits and Systems Society

Communications Society

Computer Society  Sohrab:  Google speaker on Security, on 2/29, they already have speakers for March and April.

Computer Society

Electromagnetic Compatibility Society

Electronics Packaging Society

Industry Applications Society

Microwave Theory and Techniques & Electron Devices Joint Chapters

Nanotechnology Council

Power & Energy Society  Jose, they have speakers Professor from Singapore to talk about Lithium Ion Batteries.  They are offering to help with the PES general meeting in Seattle this summer.  Smart Grid conference coming in Oslo.

Product Safety Engineering Society

Robotics and Automation Society  Ed:  He has worked with De LaSalle and Benson high school competitive teams, first round is complete, De La Salle placed 12th out of 19 teams.  ROS=Robot Operating System.

Solid-State Circuits Society Oregon Chapter  Richard, Lecture Friday, March 1st.  They are pursuing a second professor as a speaker.

Technology Management Council

Student Activities

Women in Engineering  Heidi and Naznin got training on WIE Region 6.  Applied for the STEM grant ($500) for an event in November.

Consultants Network

Signal Processing  April meeting is set.

Young Professionals

7:55 Reading of Business Meeting and non-Business Action items

7:58 Next Meeting

8:00 Adjourn


Attendees: Diwakar, Dan, Ed Perkins, Richard, Ed Epp, Jose, Pradeep, Xiao, Raviv, Naznin, Sohrab


  • Minutes - Approved
  • Budget – Motion to approve the budget presented as modified is approved
  • Sensor array Conference MoU – 2 industry sponsors, ~150-200 attendees
    • Option 1 - IEEE section to sponsor the reception July 8 [$550]
    • Option 2 – Sponsoring the banquet.[$14500]
    • Option – help with student cost
    • Xiao and Raviv to send more info
    • Xiao to email Richard Dorrance (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
  • Cadence of meetings – Jan, May (Intel), Sep, Dec in person
  • WIE – Specifics to be brought in Feb Excom, Panel discussion, daytime
  • Milestone
  • Sustech
  • Mar 15-17 OpComm in Seattle
  • Science fair
  • Rising Stars meeting update by Naznin, Amritesh, Mike – Feb Excom
  • Chapter chairs to update info on ieee-oregon website

Attendees:  Goodrich, Epp, Silver, Prohodsky, Perkins, Engel, Pejdcinovic, Dorrance, Rick Smith, Hayashi, Sohrab Aftabjahani, Xiao Fu, Heidi Bates

Call to Order

Approve agenda:  Approved without objection

Approve Past minutes:  Approved without objection


All:  Winter awards December 9th, 7pm, be sure to sign up!

Hayashi to register for Rising Star\s by Nov 30 and create an SAP concur account

All:  Funding for next year’s budget:  If you have plans for an event next year, let's get it in the 2024 budget so that we don't have to seek approval at a later date.

Dorrance and Goodrich  to lead NWSE and SW WA fairs, respectively. Goodrich to send Standard Operating Procedure

Prohodsky developing soft skills seminar topics list for a Fall 2024 meeting

Prohodsky to take Treasurer training and serve as Treasurer for the Computer Society

Goodrich to head up updates to Section web site—either send contact info directly to Daniel, or get credentials and update your Chapter’s info.  Remove all discontinued chapters.

Education Society: Pejdcinovic to e-mail Goodrich to intro the activities he has planned.

Hayashi has a PES/IAS speaker opportunity—he will e-mail Goodrich with contact info.

Goodrich to schedule a meeting with Hayashi and Kohne to go over their vision for Students.

H. Bates, Akter and Rai to plan a WIE/YP event at SUSTECH on Monday, April 15th.  The Section will fund the event, though YP should seek funds from the Society.

Attendees: Diwakar, Dan Goodrich, Ed Perkins, Xiao Fu, John Prohodsky, Richard Dorrance, Pradeep Kumar, Naznin, David Silver, Jose Garcia, Sohrab


Rising stars conference – Michael + Amritesh. Rising stars is sponsoring Naznin.

Daniel to follow up with Michael/Kyle if any student wants to attend Rising stars.

Winter social (Dec 9, 6 – 8:30) – placeholder sent. Lake Oswego grill.

David to create vtools and send it out (unpublished).

Naznin to chair WIE group. Motion approved.

Heidi precollege/STEM chair – responsible for high school fairs and STEM events

NEDME (Oct 18) – Anyone able to attend? Section will pay $30 ($10 attendance, $20 for tech sessions). Lunch and breakfast is included with attendance. Diwakar to publicize.

Soft skill seminar committee formation approved. John, Rick, Diwakar, Ed, YP. Draft plan to be presented in Nov meeting by John.

Next month:

  • Amritesh will follow up on $800 for sustech from YP.
  • Heidi – STEM event – funding – get more details and present in next excom.

Chapter chair reports

  • Comm (Pradeep) – Couple of upcoming events. Pradeep trying to revive 2 chapters.
  • PES (Jose) – Next speaker is John Borland. Speakers lined up for Nov and Dec.
  • Nano (Ed) – No traction
  • Sustech (Ed) – future direction initiative renamed to Sustech Initiative. Diwakar to publicize call for papers.
  • Solid State Circuits (Richard) –
  • Computer (Sohrab) -
  • Signal processing (Xiao) – Plan to resume normal activity. Planning sensor array workshop July 2024. Xiao will work with Ed Perkins for possible MoU with Oregon section for sponsorship.
  • Photonics (Naznin) – Workshop on 13th 14 participants and 3 speakers. Workshop will be recorded.

Attendees: Diwakar, Dan, Rick, Ed Perkins, Richard, Ed Epp, Sohrab, Jose, Michael, Amritesh, Pradeep, Heidi, David


Save the date – Dec 9 for chapter chair winter social.

Students activities chair is Michael R Hayashi. Kyle will help with student activities.

Rising stars conference – Michael to confirm? Naznin?

Heidi – STEM event – funding – get more details and present in next excom.

IEEE Day – Oct 3/6 – Top golf YP social event for IEEE day, charge $10 per person, motion to approve $500 for funding this event. – Approved.

Amritesh will follow up on $800 for sustech from YP.

NEDME is Oct 18th – Diwakar to publicize in section email. Add to Linkedin as well.


Chapter reports

Rick Smith – involved with NEDME and sustech.

ED Perkins – Sustech MOU got approved.

Pradeep – ComSoc – Two events coming up. Quantum, V2x

Ed Epp – Robotics –

Richard – Solid state circuits – Distinguished Lecture in July, next in Nov.

Sohrab – Computer society – Planning a distinguished lecture

Jose – PES – talk on 9/19

David – IAS – 9/20 dinner+meeting event Okinawa cable