ExCom Minutes
June Meeting
6:00 – Refreshments and Social (Virtual during COVID-19)
6:30 – Adoption of Agenda
6:37 – Approval of previous minutes
6:40 – Introduction and Roll Call
6:45 Announcement - IEEE Fellow and Guest Speaker for Computer Society Thursday from 7 to 8 pm
6:40 – Reports:
Chair's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos) -
Congratulations to the newly elevated IEEE Oregon Senior Members: Eric Hall, Ivan Simoes Gaspar and Vikram Suresh
Open positions in ExCom: Membership Development, SAC Chair, Section Student Representative
Core Skills Training: Remote Conference Options, Webex Training, Concur Training, Welcoming New Members
YTD Count of Activities for Affinity Groups and Chapters, minimum requirements already met
YTD Count of Events Student Chapters, OIT Klamath Falls 8 Events, very strong presence
Treasurer's Report (Lee Oien) -
no pending checks
awaiting IEEE annual payment
Secretary Report (Heidi DeGarmo) -
no missing attendance reports
YoPro (Jay Guo) / SAC Report (Matt Harrison) / WIE (Eve Klopf)
7:25 – Action Items: Appoint Elections Committee - Ed Perkins appoints as Committee Chair
7:35 – Discussion Items: Ideas For Summer Social
7:45 – Tonight's Focus (Information Items): SSCS Chapter Focus Presentation
8:00 – Old Business / New Business
8:20 – Future Focus (next 3 months)
Jul: Virtual Social
Aug: No meeting
8:30 – Adjournment
Attendees (WebEx): Paulo Vasconcelos (Chair), Justin Wagner (Vice-Chair), Lee Oien (Treasurer), Heidi DeGarmo (Secretary), Rick Smith (PACE Chair), Daniel Goodrich (Awards and Events Coordinator), Ed Epp (RAS Chair), Ed Perkins (Nanotechnology Council), Sohrab Aftabjahani (CS Chair), Eve Klopf (WIE Chair), Farhana (SSCS Chair), Jian Guo (YP Chair), Matt Harrison (SAC Chair), Xiaosen Lu, and Alex Higgins (PSU SB Chair).
May Meeting
6:00 – Refreshments and Social (Virtual during COVID-19)
6:30 – Adoption of Agenda
- Meeting started at 6:40
- Round of introductions of name and title of attendees
6:35 – Approval of previous minutes
- Motion made to approve March and April minutes
6:40 – Reports:
- Chair's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos)
- Upcoming Conferences: Reach out and offer support, PES Chapter has already reached out to Transactive Energy Conference to be held in Portland December, 2020
- Best practice for events in vTools
- Summer Social - Canceled, IEEE supporting the local economy by keeping deposit in place for 2021 Summer Social
- Explore the idea of a Virtual Summer Social, ExCom asking for input on ideas, limit to 100 in attendance for sake of time but Webex can support up to 1000 for live streaming
- 2020 Section Support Disbursement- $250 for Chapters and $500 for Joint Chapters
- 2019 Intel Volunteer Hours - Total 891 Hours = $8910
- Treasurer's Report (Lee Oien)
- Balance is currently $86,000 in the account
- No outstanding bills or pending checks
- Approves keeping $850 deposit in place for Summer Social 2021
- Secretary Report (Heidi DeGarmo)
- No missing attendance reports
- YoPro (Jay Guo) / SAC Report (Matt Harrison) / WIE (Eve Klopf)
- YP PNW Leadership Summit July 17th in Portland Pending (May be canceled)
- YP Events postponed until after stay at home order lifted
- Chair's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos)
7:25 – Action Items: Submit Timely Requests to Treasurer
- Submit expense reimbursements with receipts, not waiting until the end of year
7:35 – Tonight's Focus (Information Items)
Daniel Goodrich - PES Chapter creates 43% of all IEEE standards, official mission leading provider of scientific and engineering information on electric power and energy for the betterment of society, and the preferred professional development source for members. Represents the three major utility companies, PAC, PGE and BPA. Nine guest speakers a year. Meetings are every third Tuesday of the month. Recent field trip to Merwin Dam. PES summer meeting canceled.
Joshua Cosby - Klamath Student Branch has increased membership three times what it was previous year. The new project is a brain machine interface, student version of Elon Musk's neural link. Students are interested in doing projects, one they do outreach taking robots out to the high school sparking an interest in engineering and IEEE. Joshua is graduating, Matt Volpe continuing on in the Fall. This year started off strong with Rising Stars Conference. Student study group for engineering exam going strong with professor support.
7:50 – Old Business:
- Ed Perkins - Sustech Conference April 24-25, 2020, virtual on zoom, free student poster contest - 9 presented with 60 attendees on Thursday, 24 papers presented with 85 attendees on Friday, 68 attendees on Saturday. Awaiting refund from the hotel to reimburse seed money. 2021 will be held in Los Angeles and 2022 to be held in Portland.
- 8:00 – New Business:
- Jim Morris - Education Chapter to hold 2 events this year to stay active. Nanotechnology Council currently holding elections. NTC Distinguished Lecture officially moved to online event. EPS/CASS Chapter have 4 events for the year currently on hold bc they all involve travel.
- 8:10 Discussion Item: Webex Tips - Training Topic (presentation attached)
8:20 – Future Focus:
June: TBD Jul: No meeting Aug: No Meeting - 8:30 – Adjournment
Attendees (WebEx): Paulo Vasconcelos (Chair), Justin Wagner (Vice-Chair), Lee Oien (Treasurer), Heidi DeGarmo (Secretary), Rick Smith (PACE Chair), Daniel Engel (Webmaster), Daniel Goodrich (Awards and Events Coordinator), Ed Epp (RAS Chair), Ed Perkins (Nanotechnology Council), Pradeep Kumar (Comm Society Chair), Sohrab Aftabjahani (CS Chair), Eve Klopf (WIE Chair), Terry Lang (OrCNet Chair), Richard Dorrance (SSCS Vice Chair), Alex Higgins (PSU SB Chair), Rachel McAfee (OSU SB Chair), Joshua Cosby (OIT SB Chair), Dhawal Moghe, Jim Morris, Ken Hillen, Loren Lang, Matt Volpe, Partho Chakraborti, Souma Badombena.
April 2020 - ExComm Minutes
6:30 – Adoption of Agenda
- The meeting started at 6:45 PM.
6:35 – Approval of previous minutes
- Motion made to approve March and April minutes at the May meeting.
7:00 – Reports
- Chair's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos)
- Best Practices for remote conferencing.
- Upcoming conferences to Portland. Chapter chairs to engage in organizing committees.
- Review of travel restrictions for volunteers
- Best Practices for events in vTools
- Summer Social discussion. Waiting on more news. Potential for a virtual Summer Social.
- Treasurer's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos on behalf of Lee Oien).
- Those who received checks from the Section last month, please cash them. There will be a monthly reminder so that the Treasurer can consolidate the CBRS.
- Section funds disbursement to be sent to societies that have concentration accounts - Chapter Chair should send the request to Paulo and Treasurer (Lee). There is a purchase card that can be used to utilize and manage the funds. Chapters that don't have Treasurer can ask Secretary to hold both positions. Chair and Treasurer can use the P-card.
- Secretary (Heidi DeGarmo)
- Presented events list with missing attendance reports.
- Review of events logged YTD.
- Region mtg this weekend - all virtual.
- YoPro (Jian Guo)
- PNW Leadership Summit to be postponed.
- SAC (Matt Harrison)
- OSU graduation postponed to October. Students are not in school.
- Women in Engineering
- WIE - book club is going strong. Ed offered to promote the book club at the Region 6 website. Heidi/Eve to send blurb to Ed.
- New book: What If? by Randall Munroe.
7:40 – Discussion Items:
- Calagator as an additional resource to promote meetings for non-members.
- Computer Society event coming on April 30th.
7:50 – Action Items
- Senior Member Elevation - Update your profile, then reach out to Diwakar.
- SusTech is completely virtual.
7:55 – Tonight's Focus (Information Items)
- None.
8:00 – Old Business / New Business
- None.
8:20 – Future Focus
May: PES and OIT Klamath Falls. Justin to confirm.
Jun: TBD
Jul: TBD
8:30 – Adjournment
Attendees (WebEx): Paulo Vasconcelos (Chair), Justin Wagner (Vice-Chair), Heidi DeGarmo (Secretary), Jian Guo (YP Chair), Rick Smith (PACE Chair), Daniel Goodrich (Awards and Events Coordinator), Diwakar Agarwal, (Membership Coordinator), Ed Epp (RAS Chair), Ed Perkins (Nanotechnology Council), Michael Bates (CS Vice-Chair), Matt Harrison (SAC Chair), Rebecca Burfitt (OIT SB), Icek Warnecke (OIT SB Chair), Jinsub Kim (SP Chair), Sohrab Aftabjahani (CS Chair), Alex Higgins (PSU SB Chair), Dwight Gray.
March 2020 - ExComm Minutes
6:00 – Refreshments and Social
6:30 – Adoption of Agenda
- The meeting started at 6:45 PM.
6:35 – Approval of previous minutes
- Motion made to approve March and April minutes at the May meeting.
7:00 – Reports
- Chair's Report (Paulo Vasconcelos)
- Upcoming conferences to Portland - reach out to help with the advertisement. TLAs: from the slide: RESPECT, PLANS, ARITH.
- WIE Book Club - Soonish - 1st Thursday of the Month - just before bedtime.
- March 13th - GBSE & PPSSE Expos - (Judges needed) - Gresham High School
- YP PNW Leadership Summit - 2020, July 17th - 19th
- Summer Social - 2020 July 25th - Portland Pickles Game
- State Science Fair (Used to be ISEF) NW Science Expo - April 10th (NWSE).
- Updates for Section Communications
- On IEEE.org, under membership benefits, select:
- Local IEEE comms
- Member-related comms
- On IEEE.org, under membership benefits, select:
- New/Returning Section Volunteers
- Treasurer's Report (Lee Oien).
- Request for Reimbursement 2020 format
- IEEE Finance accepted our financial report for the section. Not sure about the chapters.
- Expense form submissions (OR Section Reimbursement request).
- YoPro (Jian Guo)
- Working with OIT
- Career day May 31st
- Interview coaches - for students
- Working with OIT
- Women in Engineering
- .
7:40 – Discussion Items:
- Social Media Collaborator - Anushka Naiknaware
- Weekly updates in LinkedIn, promoting events to our membership
- Senior Member - message to Intel folks?
- New website and slide for Chapters.
7:50 – Action Items
- None.
7:55 – Tonight's Focus (Information Items)
- Robotics & Automation Society (RAS)
- Seminars & Workshops
- ROS lives on top of Linux - Matt Hansen - Intel ROS Navigation project head. This has now moved to Samsung, and Matt has moved on to Amazon
- Tensorflow for locating FTC game pieces. First Tech Challenge (FTC).
- Seminars & Workshops
PSU IEEE Students Branch - Alex Higgins
Instead of sharing a key, get a real-estate lockbox and provide the combo to the board members
Spring term - board mtg, workshop (TBD), Social events (active engineer)
- End-of-the-year picnic
- Website redesign
- Recruiting 1st/2nd year students
- Focus on new members - now it's only $18 for the remainder of the school year (thru mid-August)
Consider a survey that reaches out to recent grads, and ask them "what didn't you know that you needed to know?
- Using a Facebook page, or need help with social promos
8:00 – Old Business / New Business
Gift cards - need some $$ for these
SusTech Conference -
- About 50 papers being reviewed
- April 23-25th
- Not yet decided about postponing or cancel??
8:20 – Future Focus
Apr: PES and OIT Klamath Falls. Justin to confirm.
May: TBD
Jun: TBD
8:30 – Adjournment
Attendees (WebEx): Paulo Vasconcelos (Chair), Justin Wagner (Vice-Chair), Heidi DeGarmo (Secretary), Lee Oien (Treasurer), Jian Guo (YP Chair), Rick Smith (PACE Chair), Ed Epp (RAS Chair), Ed Perkins (Nanotechnology Council), Michael Bates (CS Vice-Chair), Alex Higgins (PSU SB Chair), DDhawal Moghe, John Prohodsky, Russ Mickiewicz, Eve KlopfDaniel Engel, Richard Dorrance, Tugrul Daim.
February 2020 - No meeting
Replaced with Chapter Chairs Dinner in Celebration to Engineering Week.