ExCom Minutes
November 2022 ExComm Minutes
6:15 Secretary starts meeting and notes attendees: Pradeep, Daniel Goodrich, Rick Smith, Ed Epp, Lee Oien, Ed Perkins, Sohrab Aftabjahani, Amritesh Rai, Diwakar Agarwal
6:30 Chair calls the meeting to order
6:35 Approval of Past Minutes and status of previous action items (John to provide Dropbox information) Minutes from September/October approved.
6:38 Adoption of Agenda
6:40 Chair’s Report: Elections: 2023 Elections: Chair (Daniel Goodrich), Vice-Chair (Ed Perkins), Secretary (Diwakar Agarwal), Treasurer (David Silver), Event/Social Coordinator (?). The officers were elected.
6:45 Vice-Chair’s Report: Not present
6:50 Treasurer’s Report: $158k in account. Need October meeting reimbursement.
Chapters need to provide the HOP# to receive annual Section Funds.
Budget for 2023: Draft 2 is complete, John asked Lee to develop a “balanced” budget, getting IEEE travelers on Concur and travel guidelines, training new Treasurer
6:55 Secretary’s Report: Winter Social/Awards Meeting December 10th at 4pm the Lucky Labrador, 915 SW Hawthorne, Portland, https://luckylab.com/hawthorne-2020/. Link to Register: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/327943
One award for Chapter with the highest number of meetings (Robotics and Automation with 17 as of Nov 5).
Region 6 meeting report: Two priorities: Declining enrollment and Getting back to in-person meetings
Conferences 2023: Rising Stars January 3-5 in Las Vegas https://ieee-risingstars.org/2023/ (register by Nov 13, suggest we send 1 person, Amritesh Rai)
Region 6 OpComm in early February in the San Francisco Area https://ieee-region6.org/ (Send Chair, Vice-Chair, all others join virtually)
SUSTECH Sustainable Technology April 19-22 in Portland https://ieee-region6.org/2022/sustech-2023/ (Ed P and Rick S are on the committee, should we register others?)
Antennas and Propagation International Symposium and USNC-URSI Radio Science July 23-28, 2023 in Portland https://2023.apsursi.org/ (which Chapter is that? Support?)
Sections Congress August 11-13 in Ottawa, Canada https://www.facebook.com/IEEESC/ (up to 4)
GHTC Global Humanitarian Technology Conference October 12-15 in Philadelphia https://ieeeusa.org/events/list/?tribe-bar-date=2023-10-01 (send 1 person)
In-Person Meeting ideas: January (to start the year off), May (wrap up the school year and prepare for Summer), August (summer social), September (post-vacation, back to school), December (social and awards).
Location options: Ideally where parking is free and we don’t have to order pizza. PSU, a restaurant in Portland, a restaurant in Tigard/Hillsboro/Beaverton
7:00 Chapter Reports (5 minutes Each)
WIE: Not present
Solid State Circuits: Richard Dorrance gave an e-mail report. They are planning a distinguished lecturer in early December
Signal Processing Society:
Nanotech: Ed Perkins: Meeting scheduled and is on vTools. Contact Ed if you are interested in helping.
Professional Activities: Rick Smith
Computer Society: Sohrab: Technical Webinar on Antivirus Hardware, 11 attendees. They had 7 presentations this year, two in collaboration with other chapters. Intel fund matching hours is mid-December.
PES: Not present.
RAS: Ed Epp: Working on tutorials with students.
Young Professionals: Amritesh will be the new leader for 2023.
SUSTECH 2023: Papers due November 15th. The budget was approved.
Comsoc: Pradeep: Five meetings and four joint meetings. He shared his youtube channel, and has gotten hundreds of views.
Student Activities: Ugonna: WSUV presentation on how to find employment. He is working on re-activating the non-functioning Chapters. WSUV is fully re-activated. Andrew Greenberg (?) is a good contact at PSU.
Webmaster: Daniel Engel: Not Present.
7:50 New Business:
- Elections: Officers approved for 2023-24.
- ExComm meeting in December? Try to get business done by e-mail. John will provide e-mails to Lee and Lee will send out the final draft of the budget.
- Purpose of the Section discussion.
7:55 Reading of Action Items
8:01 Next Meeting Winter Social/Awards December 10th Where should we meet in person January 10th? PSU?
October 2022 Minutes
We met at the Firehouse Restaurant. Attendees: Daniel Engel, Pradeep, Diwakar, Sohrab, Ugonna, Daniel Goodrich, Richard Dorrance, Ed Epp, Ed Perkins, Lee Oien, David Silver
There was a general discussion about future meetings. The consensus was to have a mix of in-person and web meetings. We will not have hybrid meetings for now, due to the cost and logistical challenges. However, we might have a cell phone speaker on for in-person meetings, if there is someone who could not attend but has important business to discuss.
The frequency of in-person meetings was not finalized, here are some ideas:
1) Every other meeting is in person
2) Meet in person during critical months: January, May, August (social), September and December (social)
The format for in person would be to conduct formal business relatively quickly, then allow time for social interaction. The location has not been decided, perhaps we can contact PSU. We also might meet on the west side (Beaverton) since many officers live/work in that area. Ed Epp asked that we not have pizza at every meeting, and many others agreed.
The Winter social/awards meeting will be December 10th at the Lucky Labrador on SE Hawthorne at 4pm. We will give one award to the Chapter that met the most in 2022. Dan G will determine the actual award. Invitees will be all chapter Chairs and one guest.
September 2022 EXCOM Minutes
6:15 Secretary starts meeting and notes attendees
6:30 Chair calls the meeting to order at 6:35pm
6:35 Approval of Past Minutes and status of previous action items
Adoption of Agenda
6:40 Chair’s Report: Elections status—John sent out the e-mail, will re-send. Nominations came in for Chair and Treasurer
6:45 Vice-Chair’s Report: Not present
6:50 Treasurer’s Report: Balance: $159,415. From SUSTECH 2022 we received $1,749 as part of the surplus. Ideally we’d have a budget approved in November for 2023.
6:55 Secretary’s Report: Summer Social was a success; 25 people attended the Portland Pickles Game. Awards ceremony? ACTION: Dan to schedule. Do it in early December, maybe start at 6:30pm, maybe the 13th. Maybe do it as a less formal than a sit down, at a brewpub. Perhaps do a Saturday, but maybe on the 3rd or the 10th earlier in the day, like 4pm. Chapter Chairs meeting (typically in February)?
7:00 Chapter Reports (5 minutes Each)
WIE: Not present
Solid State Circuits: Richard Dorrance: Social tomorrow, lecturer this Friday. They are on vTools. Another speaker scheduled in October.
Signal Processing Society:
Nanotech: Ed Perkins:
Professional Activities:
Computer Society: Sohrab: Had a presentation last month on hardware security. Next meeting in October.
PES: Not present.
RAS: Ed Epp: Working with adults with ROSS(?) kits. Working with Thomas Coughlin
Ed also gave an update on SUSTECH 2023: There are monthly SUSTalks post-conference. They need local volunteers.
Student Activities:
Webmaster: Daniel Engel: Web site is stable.
7:50 New Business: ACTION: John to provide Dan with info on how to set up an IEEE hosted dropbox file storage. See screenshot below.
7:55 Reading of Action Items
7:58 Next Meeting October 11th In person only. ACTION: John will make a reservation at a local restaurant before September 19th. Chapter Chairs (or their designee) and EXCOMM members.
Items to discuss at the meeting (John will be the moderator):
- Possibly formulate a vision
- Issues with the same officers for years in a given chapter—we need “fresh blood”
- Finding local speakers to speak at chapter meetings
- Help with specific challenges from chapters
- Perhaps find a way to reward the seasoned volunteers—training and development maybe?
- What can be accomplished in the short term? Longer term?
8:00 Adjourn: Adjourned at 7:57pm
August Summer Social
We met and watched the Portland Pickles baseball game. It was great fun!
July 2022 ExComm Minutes
6:15 Secretary Goodrich starts meeting and notes attendees
Attendees: Daniel Goodrich, Sohrab Aftabjahani, Lee Oien, John Prohodsky, Daniel Engel, Rick Smith
6:30 Chair calls the meeting to order
6:35 Approval of Past Minutes
6:45 Chair’s report: John P. PICMET; Funding was approved without objection to provide $2,500 in funds. ACTION: John will work with MOU. there a Section repository for files? ACTION: John will find out who Dan can contact to set up a data repository, Google drive or equivalent.
Gift for speakers at Chapter events: ACTION: John will organize a group to decide. Gift cards must be reported and documented for tax purposes, and larger items have to be shipped.
EXCOMM Meeting September (13th?) in person. ACTION: John to make the arrangements and report back by August 1st.
Elections: ACTION: John will send out an e-mail for nominations for officers within the next week.
6:45 Vice-Chair’s Report: Not present.
6:50 Treasurer’s Report: Our rebate this year was $15k. Lee showed the reimbursement for each Chapter. Student branches need to submit a Plan or they get no funding. Balance is $161,319.
6:55 Secretary’s Report—Summer Social August 6th (Portland Pickles) IEEE Oregon Section SUMMER SOCIAL ALL ARE WELCOME : vTools Events
7:00 Chapter Reports
Ed Epp RAS: Not present
Rick Smith, PACE: Still working with Ed P. for Sustech in April, 2023; he did visit PSU’s campus to see if they will host. We got $1,500 in surplus for the 2022 event.
David Silver, PES: Will meet again in September. Might do a social or tour this fall.
Sohrab, Computer Society (C16 code): Attended a security conference last month and judged the competition. He was also in San Francisco as a panelist at DAC. He is lining up a speaker for the Computer Society. http://cad4security.org/index.php/speakers/
Ed Perkins, Nanotechnology: Not present
Jinsub Kim, Signal Processing: Not Present
Ugonna, Student Chapters: Not Present
Daniel Engel, Web site: He will be paying the annual fee soon.
Richard Dorrance, Not present.
7:20 New Business. None noted.
7:55 Reading of Action Items
7:58 Next Meeting Summer Social
Adjourn Adjourned at 7:30pm.