ExCom Minutes

Attendees: Diwakar, Dan, Rick, Ed Perkins, Richard, Ed Epp, Sohrab, Jose, Michael, Amritesh, Pradeep, Heidi, David


Save the date – Dec 9 for chapter chair winter social.

Students activities chair is Michael R Hayashi. Kyle will help with student activities.

Rising stars conference – Michael to confirm? Naznin?

Heidi – STEM event – funding – get more details and present in next excom.

IEEE Day – Oct 3/6 – Top golf YP social event for IEEE day, charge $10 per person, motion to approve $500 for funding this event. – Approved.

Amritesh will follow up on $800 for sustech from YP.

NEDME is Oct 18th – Diwakar to publicize in section email. Add to Linkedin as well.


Chapter reports

Rick Smith – involved with NEDME and sustech.

ED Perkins – Sustech MOU got approved.

Pradeep – ComSoc – Two events coming up. Quantum, V2x

Ed Epp – Robotics –

Richard – Solid state circuits – Distinguished Lecture in July, next in Nov.

Sohrab – Computer society – Planning a distinguished lecture

Jose – PES – talk on 9/19

David – IAS – 9/20 dinner+meeting event Okinawa cable

Attendees: Daniel, Diwakar, Ed Perkins, Ed Epp, John Prohodsky, David Silver, Michael Hayashi, Branimir Pejcinovic, Jose Garcia, Michael Bates, Naznin, Richard, Rick Smith, Heidi, Sohrab, Ahsam, Amritesh


$1200 allocated for gifts for speakers for chapters, societies and section. Dan will finalize the gift. – Approved

Up to $1500 preliminary allocation for photonics seminar in Oct to be refined at a later date – Approved

Dan will create a template for letter of appreciation/certificate for the speakers.

Diwakar to follow up for September Excom Venue at Intel

Dan will finalize Kyle (and Michael) as Student Liasion.

Antenna conference is in Portland next week. Dan will be welcoming the attendees on behalf of IEEE Oregon Section.

Summer social is on Aug 5th at Pinball

NEDME is back – Will be in Tektronix – Ed/Heidi will send info to Diwakar. Diwakar will publicize.

Amritesh will reach out for increasing participation in WIE


6:35 Status of Previous Business Meeting Action Items

Add Rick, Sohrab and fix the spelling of Naznin’s name (Diwakar) - Done

Diwakar to get in-person room at Intel for September Excom

David Silver – follow up on Intel Benevity Reimbursement

Diwakar to setup recurring excom meeting for rest of the year - Done


6:40 Chair’s Report

Summer Social


David S

August 5th at 1000 at Next Level Pinball in Hillsboro; vTools event has been created.  Cost?  Where will we bring in food from?



Dan G, David S

Can the Section pay up front as long as Amritesh provides documentation that he will receive the $800 from YP?

Sections Congress


Dan G

Dan G, Ed P, Jose G, Naznin and Dave Durocher are attending.  Are Naznin and Dave registered?  Dan to develop expectations:  Provide a summary of each session--one takeaway that the Section can use.  Work with attendees and agree on who will attend which breakout section (what is an ignite session?)  The 1300-1330 Saturday has 11 sessions at once--they do offer another session on Sunday, so we'll need to be strategic.  Start a text message string.

September ExComm


Diwakar, Rick S

Do we have a venue at Intel? – Not yet

June meeting minutes



Put them on web site - Done

Student Liaison


Dan G

I re-asked Kyle; new person expressed interest, and is invited to July 11th meeting


6:45 Vice-Chair’s Report - Sustech 2024@Portland - organization jump started. Ed finding a chair and working out other logistics. Dates – 17th-20th April

6:47 Treasurer’s Report – All submitted rebates cleared. Any questions related to that, send it to David.
6:50 Secretary’s Report -
6:55 New Business—Any Chapter requests for funds or resources not already in the budget or requests for actions by the ExComm

  1. Photonics Seminar (Naznin)
  • Reconfirm the date, maximize the attendance
  • Requesting 1.5k – 2k, assuming ~50 people, ~$20-30 for food, coffee, registration material etc. Will charge $10 per person for registration.
  1. PSU collaboration with other orgs (Education Chapter) – no issue in collaborating with non-profit orgs. ASE
  2. Volunteer opportunities


Attendendees: Daniel, Ed Perkins, Diwakar Agarwal, Naznin, Rick, Sohrab, Ed Epp, Jose Garcia, David Silver, Richard Dorrance, Amritesh Rai

Action Items

  • Add Rick, Sohrab and fix the spelling of Naznin’s name (Diwakar) - Done
  • Diwakar to get in-person room at Intel
  • David Silver – follow up on Intel Benevity Reimbursement 
  • Diwakar to setup recurring excom meeting for rest of the year - Done 

6:40 Chair’s Report

  • Signal processing chapter to be activated by Dan (Jinsub and Xiao to be the officers)
  • Add $2000 to send Dave Durocher and Naznin to Section’s congress. Section Congress is every 3 years. Approved.

6:45 Vice-Chair’s Report
 - Ed Will be going to section congress

6:47 Treasurer’s Report

6:50 Secretary’s Report

IEEE Senior member – Intel drive helped 60 members to apply for senior member. 19 more people still need help. Diwakar coordinating to get info on remaining people as well as general methodology for future drives.

7:00 Chapter Reports (5 minutes Each):

Circuits and Systems Society
Communications Society
Computer Society (Sohrab)

  • Did a distinguished event
  • Next distinguished event (SOC and network on a chip security) – June 29

Electromagnetic Compatibility Society
Electronics Packaging Society
Industry Applications Society

Microwave Theory and Techniques & Electron Devices Joint Chapters
Nanotechnology Council
Photonics society (Naznin)

  • Summer Workshop. Approved up to $2000. Will charge $10.
  • Now have 4 officers including 2 professors.
  • Sent the material to Dan to update the website.

Power & Energy Society (Jose Garcia)

  • Next meeting next month (July)

Product Safety Engineering Society
Robotics and Automation Society (Ed Epp)

  • Created a robotics program for high school

Solid-State Circuits Society Oregon Chapter (Richard Dorrance)

  • Distinguished lecture this Thursday
  • Another distinguished lecture in July
  • Social in September
  • Intel volunteer reimbursements to chapter

Technology Management Council
Student Activities
Women in Engineering
Consultants Network
Young Professionals (Amritesh/Naznin)

  • Planning an in person event in July (panel discussion) – July 20th Need help with room reservation at PSU. Ed will help put in touch with right contact at PSU.
  • Amritesh/Naznin/Diwakar/Sohrab/Rick will discuss engaging Intel IEEE folks and have some events on-site and off-site.

PACE (Rick Smith)

We met in Person at BPA's Rates Room.

Attendees:  Dave Durocher, Paulo Visconcelos, Naznin Aktir, Jose Garcia, David Silver, Richard Dorrance. Ed Perkins, Daniel Engel, Amritesh Rai.

Action Items:

Item Sub-Item Person Responsible Update
External/Social Media Linkedin   We have a linkedin at  https://www.linkedin.com/groups/65350/  Dan is an Admin; Ed to contact  Jeff Drummond--he is the admin.
External/Social Media Instagram   Where is it?
External/Social Media Facebook   Where is it?  Does YP have social media?
IEEE Oregon Web Site YP content Amritesh Develop content and send it to webmaster Daniel Engel
IEEE Oregon Web Site Photonics Content Naznin Develop content and send it to webmaster Daniel Engel
Google Docs or Dropbox   Dan Goodrich Google is going to limit accounts to 2 GB per Region 6.  Find a permanent place
Senior Membership Intel Request Diwakar/Dan G, Dave Durocher and Richard Dorrance Request Intel e-mail; do we want to set up a forum for everyone to fill out their forms and get references?  5/20/2023 Dan G sent an e-mail
Senior Membership General Status Diwakar/Dan Nalini Murari status (we connected him with Richard D and Sohrab).
Milestone Project Intel   R6 has the status; check back later this year
Milestone Project Power Line Dan G, David S Develop language for the milestone and send it to R6
ED/MTT Chapter   Dan G Get them active again.  5/6/2023: E-mail sent to three people who have expressed interest: Brett, Leonard and Andreas
Signal Processing Chapter General Dan G Jinsub offered to serve as Treasurer; Xiao reportedly will be Chair.  E-mail sent 5/21.  Appoint them at the June meeting?

Chapter Reports:

IAS:  Durocher. Electric Code, first meeting in 2 years in March.  They do in-person dinner meeting

Electric Vehicle long haul truck May 24th.  5005 Meadows.

 Nanotech Chapter:  Distinguished Professor 2D transistors, hybrid

EPS:  Trying to get it going.  Lost several officers

Photonics society is approved!

YP event in June in person, they are also targeting graduate students

EDS:  We have an EDS MTT  Jim Morris,  Triquint and Intel.  *Find the leadership and connect them with Amritesh.

SSC:  Attempted in person at PSU, only 3 showed up.  June 15, distinguished lecturer from Belgium.

Computer society:  March had meeting, April speaker had a medical issue and could not present.  May meeting.


Ideas for something we could mail to those who speak at Chapter meetings:

Distinguished lecturer pin


Memory stick



Refrigerator magnet

Flat metal plate with logos like a bookmark or with standards



Iphone cover

Cool postcard, 3D

Pocket for iphone



Next Meeting will be virtual: June 13th.

6:15 Secretary starts meeting and notes attendees
6:30 Chair calls the meeting to order
6:35 Approval of Past Minutes and status of previous action items
Adoption of Agenda
6:40 Chair’s Report
6:45 Vice-Chair’s Report
6:50 Treasurer’s Report
6:55 Secretary’s Report

[Conclusion of main business section]

7:00 Chapter Reports (5 minutes Each)
7:35 Focus Presentation
7:50 New Business
7:55 Reading of Action Items
7:58 Next Meeting
8:00 Adjourn